Order Policy

  • Order once accepted cannot be cancelled.
  • Order will be accepted after order gets verified over phone call.
  • Order can be cancelled at time of order verification.
  • Weight can vary upto -5% from actual weight after grinding (grinder heat loss).

Return Policy

You need to submit any product-related complaints within two days of your delivery.

  • Return will be accepted if return is request is submitted within 2 days of the delivery.
  • How can you submit the return?
  • Return amount will be processed within 2 to 3 working days.
  • Contact support for any issues or queries.

Refund Policy

  • Full Refund:
    • If you’ve used upto 5% of the atta you ordered, you will receive a full refund after checking it.
  • Partial Refund:
    • If you’ve used more than 5% of the atta you ordered, you will receive for the remaining unused quantity.


  • Call: +91 8750970582
  • Email: info@thechakkiwala.com